Victoria Beach in the Morning
Here’s some free wallpaper for your iPad and iPhone. To install wallpaper on your iPad/iPhone:
- using Safari on the device, access this page and scroll down to find the correct sized image for your device
- touch the phone name to display the full size version
- In iOS9, at the bottom of the browser screen, press the box with the up-arrow, then press “Save Image” (box with down arrow). Pre-iOS9, do a long-touch on the full size image until the “Save Image” and “Copy” dialog appears.
- go to the Photos app and select the image (note: in iOS7, it may be necessary to go into Albums to find the image — touch the Albums icon in the lower right corner when in the Photos App)
- on iPad, touch the share icon in the upper right corner (to the left of the trash can); on iPhone, touch the share icon in the lower left corner;
- touch the “Use as Wallpaper” icon
- for iPad, touch one of the “Set” buttons in the upper right corner (Lock screen, home screen or both); for iPhone touch the “Set” button, then select “Set Lock Screen”, “Set Home Screen” or “Set Both”
All images are © Paul Myrick 2013, All rights reserved. Images may not be redistributed, broadcast, sold or used for any other purpose than personal use on the devices specified.